Sicilian ancestors

Would you like to find your ancestors and get to know your roots?

Sicilian ancestors

| 12581 Visits |

Would you like to find your ancestors and get to know your roots?

We can help you to visit the village or the town from which maybe your family is originated.
We can help you to get in touch with your Sicilian relatives, visit them and eventually look for someone that has known your family.

Feel the emotion of seeing where your grandparents lived a longtime ago. And if you want to know more, we will help you to find the records that also concern your roots!
We will arrange for you daily trips to the place you are interested in!

For more information, please contact us:

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New Travel Services

Via Nazionale Coop. Alcantara
98030 Motta Camastra (ME - Sicily - Italy)

Tel. & Fax: +39 0942 985445
Mobile: +39 338 8855528
Mobile: +39 338 4517686

Skype:Chat with me

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