
Choose a good restaurant in Sicily

Monte S. Giuliano (Erice)

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 The Monte San Giuliano restaurant in Erice was opened in 1990 by 2 business partners, Andrea Coppola and Matteo Giurlanda who have welcomed their customers politely and professionally for 20 years.

3 internal rooms and a garden open in the summer period make the Monte San Giuliano restaurant a comfortable place to spend your evenings enjoying excellent cuisine.

In fact, the chef Matteo Giurlanda, who is a member of the Federazione Italiana Cuochi, chooses genuine products accompanying the freshness of the products (for example fresh homemade pasta) with typical Mediterranean flavours.

You can enjoy typical dishes from Trapani and flavours from all over the Mediterranean: oil, almonds, olives, pistachios, garlic, tuna products and much more.

But at the Monte San Giuliano restaurant, you can also experience the innovative combinations of flavours and tastes that the chef Matteo Giurlanda knowingly creates, offering unique flavours for your palate.

The restaurant includes a large wine cellar including the best Sicilian and national wines.


  1. Sunday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  2. Monday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  3. Tuesday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  4. Wednesday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  5. Thursday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  6. Friday
    Lunch 0 % || Dinner 0 %

  7. Saturday
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Monte S. Giuliano (Erice)
Vicolo S. Rocco, 7
91016 - Valderice (TP) - Sicily - Italy

Phone: (+39) +39-0923 869595
Fax: (+39) +39 0923 869835


Rating: 2.9 (132 votes)


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