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For 4 people:

  • 800 g soaked salted dried cod
  • 800g potatoes
  • 300 g tomato pulp
  • 100g black olives
  • 50 g salted capers
  • 1 onion
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Chilli pepper
  • Salt

Baccalà alla Messinese

Slice the onion. Heat the oil in a casserole and cook the onion until it is soft. Add the tomato pulp, the olives and the capers. Cover and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Remove the skin of the cod and cut the fish into pieces. Add one glass of water and the cod to the casserole. Cook for about one hour before adding the potatoes. Add more water if necessary.

Add very small pinch of salt.

Continue cooking for 40 minutes. Add more salt if necessary and a pinch of chilli pepper.

Serve hot.


For 4 people

  • 1 kg sardines
  • 10 teaspoons of breadcrumbs
  • 100 g pine nuts
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • Bay leaf
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sal and pepper

Clean the sardines, remove the heads and bones. Rinse them and dry them. Split them in half and lay them out flat.

Prepare the filling. Put the breadcrumbs in a frying pan and cook until golden (do not burn). Remove the pan from the hob and add some oil. Mix well. Move the toasted breadcrumds into a bowl. Add raisins, pine nuts, suger, salt, pepper and the finely chopped parsley. Mix these ingredients well. Put some of the mixture on each sardine. Wrap the sardiness round the filling and make sardine roulades. Roll roulades in breadcrumbs. Put the fish in an oven tray with a bit of oil and some lemon juice. Cook in a pre–heated oven for about twenty minutes.


For 4 people:

  • 4 large squid
  • 6/8 Piccadilly tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of capers
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • A handful of pine nuts
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Chopped parsley
  • Salt and Oil

Clean and wash the squid thoroughly. Remove the tentacles and cut them into little pieces.

Fry them in a little pan. Meanwhile beat the eggs in a bowl with the breadcrumbs, the grated cheese, a pinch of salt, black pepper and a handful of pine nuts. Mix well.

Fry the squid pieces lightly and add them to the mixture. Stuff the squid but do not fill them completely. Use a toothpick to close up the squids. Fry the shallot in oil in a pan then add the stuffed squid.

Sauté the squid on both sides and add a glass of white wine. Let the wine evaporate. Chop the tomatoes into cubes . Remove the salt from the capers (leave them to soak in plenty of water). Add the tomatoes and capers to the pan with the squid. Add a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Cover and leave to cook on medium heat for 45 minutes.

Tuna with Giarratana onions and Pachino tomatoes

For 4 people:

  • 4 slices of tuna fillet
  • 1 large Giarratana onion
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato passata
  • ½ dozen Pachino tomatoes
  • ½ glass of brandy
  • Oil
  • Oregano
  • Salt

Tuna with Giarratana onions and Pachino tomatoes

Cut the onion into slices. Cut the tomatoes in half.

Fry the onion and tomatoes in plenty of oil. Once the onion has become soft and golden add the brandy and let the it evaporate. Add the tomato passata, a pinch of salt and let everything cook on a low heat until the sauce has become dense. Meanwhile grill the tuna fillets. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook until ready.

Put the tuna and the onion on a flat dish and serve piping hot.

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