The "Arancino"

A Sicilian street food, one of the gastronomic symbols of Sicily

The "Arancino"

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A Sicilian street food, one of the gastronomic symbols of Sicily

The "arancino" (or arancina, as pronounced by people from Palermo) is a ball of deep-fried rice which can have a variety of fillings, usually with a base of either tomato or meat sauce.

First started as a street food, tasty and fast, the "arancino" has become one of the gastronomic symbols of Sicily, which has become one of the things that tourists in Sicily feel they absolutely must try, along with almond cakes, pizza and "granita".

In the bars they are to be found with lots of different fillings: classic – with meat sauce, with pistachios, or even with salmon. So, between an excursion and a museum visit why not try one of the most traditional Sicilian tastes: your trip will have added flavor.

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